Saturday, 28 September 2013

fish reciepe and about fish

fish is an aquatic animal with vertebrate and fins for swimming and gills for breathing.the fish items are generally coloured or tinned due to fish requires a lots of care.
fish cleaning
-clean the fish with cold running water.
-de-scaling use the blunt side of a knife or other course tools.
-scrapping it is done from tail.
-wash in cold water thoroughly.
-cut of fins,remove head and entrails.cutting is done from vent end to the head on the belly side.
                                            HOLE FISH FRIED(fried)
  1. 1 piece hole fish
  2. turmeric powder 1 spoon
  3. salt to taste
  4. ginger garlic paste 2 spoon
  5. red chili 2-3 pieces
  6. cucumber- sliced 3-4 pieces
  7. carrots sliced 2-3 pieces
  8. onion sliced 2-3 pieces
  9. coriander leaves for garnish
  10. sugar to taste
  11. so ya souse 1 spoon
  12. oil to fry fishdeeply

at fist clean a hole fish efficiently in sink with head and tail.keep it aside in a plate
  • prepare all salad's for dressing cucumber,carrots and onion cut sliced and keep it aside in a plate
  • marinade fish with turmeric powder,testing powder and add salt to taste.and keep it in marinaded water for 1 hour.
  • fry the hole fish deeply in hot oil ensure that fish has cooked properly before you remove it from oil.
  • in a fry pan heat some oil and fry ginger garlic paste with soya souse.
  • remove fish from the fryer.and put it into a service plate
  • mix of soya souse and ginger garlic paste put in fish from top to down
  • garnish it with all salad and serve it hot


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