a fish is any member of paraphyletic group of organisms that consist off all gill-bearing aquatic craniate animals that lack limbs with digits.
included in this definition are the living hagfish,lampreys and cartilaginous and bony fish.as well as various extinct related groups. most fish are ectothermic allowing their body temperatures vary as ambient temperatures change,though some of the large active swimmers like white shark and tuna can hold a higher core temperature.fish are abundant in most bodies of water.
they can found in nearly all aquatic environments,from high mountain streams to the abyssal and even hadal depths of the deepest oceans at 32000 species,fish exhibit greater species diversity than any other group of vertebrates.
fish are important resource for humans worldwide,especially as food.commercial and subsistance fishers hunt fish in wild fisheries or in cages in the ocean.they are also caught by recreational fishers kept as pet raised by fishkeepers and exhibeted in public aquaria.fish have had a role in culture though the ages,serving as deities.religious symbols and as the subjects of art books and movies.
becouse the term fish is defined negatively and excludes the tetrapods whitch descend from within the same ancestry.it is paraphylitic and is not considered a proper grouping in systematic biology.the traditional term pisces is considered a typological,but not a phylogentic classification.
the earliest organisms that can be classified as fish were soft-bodied chordates that fish appeared durring the cabrian period although they lacked a true spine.they possessed notochords whitch allowed them to be more agile than their invertebrate.counterparts fish would countinue to evolve through the palezoic era,diversifying into a wide variety of forms.many fish of palezoic,devloped external armor that protected them from predators the fish with taws appeared in the silurian period,after which many become formidable marine predators rather than just the prey of arthropods.
tharu people and fish food
arround the world humans used to eat fish from the ancient time,cooking method are different everywhere in the world.
in the tharu community,tharu people used to fishing in the ponds,rivers,paddy field and in the sources of water.fish curry is very famous beetween tharu people.sidra is another very famous food,prepared by fish.
in india,bangaladesh,srilanka and nepal fish curry is very famous beetween people,cooking method are almost same in this zone.in china and other country people they loved to prepare soup from the fish as well.
tharu people have strong history to have it,tharu men and women at the period of rainy season,they used to go fishing in the rivers.from the ancient time.
a speasial food called sidhra is prepared by using fish in tharu community.like crab and water snails fish is also very famous food in tharu community.
after fishing from the river,they dry the fish in the sun light and kept it in the home for few mounth.called seda mach in local language.
how to prepare seda mach
go to market buy some fresh fish and bring it to your home.after you bring it to your home
wash fishes in the water and remove all the skins and cut it into small pieces.
in the next process keep all parts of fish on a large plate or you can use any large pot which you have in your home to dry it.dry the fish on the sun light,3 to 4 days countinue,
after dying process would be compleate you can cook it as curry.differnt taste you can get from it.
seda mach is well known as sukuti in nepali language.
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