Tuesday, 1 October 2013


                                             WAI WAI
wai wai is the nepali instant noodles brand.here we learn how you can cook it in different flavour.when you buy a packet of wai wai.you can find 3 ingredients inside the packet(chilli,onion oil and mix ingrediants).keep it aside before you prepare to cook wai wai.or when you open the packet
                                                          wai wai chat
                                        what i need to make wai wai chat?
  • 2 packet wai wai noodles in any flavour
  • onion 1 piece cut into small pieces 
  • tomato 1 piece cut into small piece
  • chat masala to taste you can add it as you like
  • fresh lemon juices 2 small spoon
  • coriender leaves for garnish it

     preparing method

  1. at fist cut tomato and onion into small pieces cut it in cubes
  2. in the next step 1 lemon cut into slice and smash it and make some  lemon juice and keep that juice into a small bowl.
  3. open 2 packet wai wai and put it into a large bowl.
  4. open all ingredients's packet and put it inside the large bowl.
  5. put lemon juice,chat masala,onion and tomato into the large bowl and mix it again
after you mix it proprly put all waiwai chat into a plate and garnish it with coriender leaves.serve it as snack,easy to make..try it today                                                 

                                                            waiwai  curry

here in the next recepe i'll show how to cook wai wai as curry in simle method
before you cook wai wai curry prepare this things for it.
  • 1 packet of waiwai in any flavour
  • 1 small pieces onion
  • oil
  • litle salt to add
  • 1 small pieces of tomato
  • 1 can beans
preparing method
  1. at fist heat a fry pan in  medium heat
  2. in next add some oil in fry pan and heat the oil.
  3. fry onion and tomato 
  4. open the beans can  and add a small numbers from it.
  5. open the packet of waiwai noodles and from the packet remove the seasonings and keep it aside.
  6. add noodles.
  7. add all seasonings.
  8. boil it next 2-3 minute
  9. before you remove it from the fry pan chek the salt if salt is insuficient then add some
  10. put in a soup bowl
  11. and searve it hot.


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